Publications Laboratoire de Géosciences du Pacifique Sud 2011-05-02T23:49:43Z Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management Publications 2010 2010-04-27T20:32:57Z 2010-04-27T20:32:57Z Administrator [email protected] <p>Publications:<br /><br />1. <strong>Robin <span>Pouteau</span>, Jean-Yves <span>Meyer</span>, Ravahere <span>Taputuarai</span> et Benoît <span>Stoll</span></strong>, « La fonte de la biodiversité dans les îles : modélisation de l’impact du réchauffement global sur la végétation orophile de Tahiti (Polynésie française) », <em>VertigO - la revue électronique en sciences de l'environnement</em> [En ligne], Volume 10 Numéro 3 | décembre 2010, mis en ligne le 20 décembre 2010. URL : <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. <br />2. Lardeux, C., Frison P.-L.,Tison C., Souyris J.-C., Stoll B., Fruneau B., Rudant J.-P., "Classification of Tropical Vegetation Using Multifrequency Partial SAR Polarimetry", Accepted for publication in IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2010<br />3. Pouteau, R., Stoll, B., Chabrier, S., "Support Vector Machine Fusion of Multisensor Imagery in Tropical Ecosystems", international Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications IPTA 10, Paris, France, 2010<br />4. Pouteau, R., Stoll, B., Chabrier, S., "Ground Truth Method Assessment for SVM Based Landscape Classification", IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IGARSS 2010, Honolulu, Hawaï 2010<br />5. Pouteau, R., Stoll, B., Chabrier, S., "Multi-Source SVM Fusion for Environmental Monitoring in the Marquesas Archipelago", IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IGARSS 2010, Honolulu, Hawaï 2010<br /><br /></p> <p>Publications:<br /><br />1. <strong>Robin <span>Pouteau</span>, Jean-Yves <span>Meyer</span>, Ravahere <span>Taputuarai</span> et Benoît <span>Stoll</span></strong>, « La fonte de la biodiversité dans les îles : modélisation de l’impact du réchauffement global sur la végétation orophile de Tahiti (Polynésie française) », <em>VertigO - la revue électronique en sciences de l'environnement</em> [En ligne], Volume 10 Numéro 3 | décembre 2010, mis en ligne le 20 décembre 2010. URL : <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. <br />2. Lardeux, C., Frison P.-L.,Tison C., Souyris J.-C., Stoll B., Fruneau B., Rudant J.-P., "Classification of Tropical Vegetation Using Multifrequency Partial SAR Polarimetry", Accepted for publication in IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2010<br />3. Pouteau, R., Stoll, B., Chabrier, S., "Support Vector Machine Fusion of Multisensor Imagery in Tropical Ecosystems", international Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications IPTA 10, Paris, France, 2010<br />4. Pouteau, R., Stoll, B., Chabrier, S., "Ground Truth Method Assessment for SVM Based Landscape Classification", IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IGARSS 2010, Honolulu, Hawaï 2010<br />5. Pouteau, R., Stoll, B., Chabrier, S., "Multi-Source SVM Fusion for Environmental Monitoring in the Marquesas Archipelago", IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IGARSS 2010, Honolulu, Hawaï 2010<br /><br /></p> Publications 2009 2008-04-30T00:22:17Z 2008-04-30T00:22:17Z Administrator [email protected] <p><strong>Informatique et télédétection <br /></strong></p> <p> </p> <ol> <li>P. Capolsini, and A. Gabillon, Security policies for the Visualization of Geo Data, ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS 2009 International Workshop on Security and Privacy in GIS and LBS (SPRINGL'09). pp. 02-11, November 3<sup>rd</sup> 2009, Seattle, WA, USA.</li> <li>A. Gabillon and P. Capolsini. Dynamic Security rules for Geo Data. in International workshop on Autonomous and Spontaneous Security (SETOP'09). 2009. St Malo, France: LNCS 5939 - Springer-Verlag. p. 136-152</li> <li>A. Gabillon, and P. Capolsini, Modelling Security Policies for Geo Data,. 4th Conference on Security in Network Architectures and Information Systems (SAR-SSI '09). pp. 243-262, June, 22-26th 2009,Luchon, France.</li> <li>D.P Le, A. Bonnecaze, A. Gabillon. Multisignatures as secure as the Diffie-Hellman problem. Proc. of the Third International Conference on Pairing-based Cryptography (Pairing 2009). Stanford University, USA, August 12-14, 2009. LNCS. Shacham, H., Waters, B. (Eds.), Vol. 5671, 2009, ISBN 978-3-642-03297-4.</li> <li>Lardeux, C., Frison P.-L.,Tison C., Souyris J.-C., Stoll B., Fruneau B., Rudant J.-P., Support Vector Machine for Multi-frequency SAR Polarimetric Data Classification. IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Decembre 2009, Vol. 47, Number 12, p. 4143-4152.</li> <li>Lardeux, C., Frison P.-L.,Mercier G., Tison C., Souyris J.-C., Stoll B., Rudant J.-P., Use of Fully Polarimetric ALOS PALSAR Data for the Cartography of Tropical Vegetation, ALOS 2009.</li> <li>L. Letouzey, "UCON et DRM : état de l’art", Actes des Doctoriales conjointes UPF-UNC 2009, Papeete, Tahiti, Mars 2009, ISBN 978-2-9534554-0-3</li> <li>L. Letouzey, "Contrôle d'Usage et Mécanismes DRM", Poster, Doctoriales conjointes UPF-UNC 2009, Papeete, Tahiti, Mars 2009.</li> <li>R. Pouteau, T. Winkel, S. Rambal and J.-P. Ratte, "Downscaling frost risks derivated from MODIS surface temperature using oro-topographic descri<span style="font-size: xx-small;">-</span>ptors," Actes des Doctoriales conjointes UPF-UNC, Tahiti, Mars 2009, ISBN 978-2-9534554-0-3</li> <li>Teina, R., Béréziat, D., Stoll, B., Chabrier, S., "A comparative study of several supervised classifiers for coconut palm tree fields' type mapping on 80cm RGB pansharpened Ikonos images" in /Image Processing: Machine Vision Applications II/, edited by Kurt S. Niel, David Fofi, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7251 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA 2009) 72510X.</li> </ol> <p><strong>Géophysique interne et externe</strong></p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <ol> <li>J.P. Barriot, D. Reymond and R. Crusem : Empirical approaches for fast robust inversion of seismic moment tensor from surface waves, Poster S33A-1742, AGU 2009 Fall Meeting.</li> <li>J.-P. Barriot, The Geodesy Observatory of Tahiti as a GGOS Observatory. Geodesy for Planet Earth Meeting (oral), Int. Association of Geodesy, Buenos Aires, August 31<sup>st</sup> -September 04<sup>th</sup> , 2009.</li> <li>J.-P. Barriot, The International Center for Earth Tides in Tahiti, Geodesy for Planet Earth Meeting (oral), International Association of Geodesy, Buenos Aires, August 31<sup>st</sup>-September 04<sup>th</sup>, 2009.</li> <li>J.-P Barriot, P. Ortéga, A. Fadil, L. Sichoix and V. Laurent, GPS monitoring for natural risk assessments and research in French Polynesia (Oral), 2èmes assises de la recherche française dans le Pacifique et 11<sup>ème</sup> Inter-Congrès des Sciences du Pacifique, March 2nd - 6th 2009, ISBN 978-2-11-098964-2</li> <li>J.-P. Barriot, P. Ortéga, A. Fadil, L. Sichoix, D. Reymond, Y. Dupont, P. Mainguy and D. Graffeille, The Polynesian Geodetic Network (POGENET): 2009 milestone (Poster), 2èmes assises de la recherche française dans le Pacifique et 11<sup>ème</sup> Inter-Congrès des Sciences du Pacifique, March 2nd - 6th 2009, ISBN 978-2-11-098964-2</li> <li>J.-P. Barriot, L. Sichoix and A. Fadil, The ill-posed inversion of the Radon transform: application to fan tomography of the water vapor contents of the atmosphere from GPS slant delays, Invited Seminar, National Central University of Taiwan, December 8, 2009</li> <li>S. W. Asmar, K. Aksnes, R. Ambrosini, A. Anabtawi, J. D. Anderson, J. W. Armstrong, D. Atkinson, JP Barriot, B. Bertotti, B. G. Bills, M. Bird, V. Dehant, P. Edenhofer, F. Michael Flasar, W. Folkner, R. G. French, H. Hanada, B. Häusler, D. P. Hinson, L. Iess, Ö. Karatekin, A. J. Kliore, A. S. Konopliv, F. Lemoine, I. Linscott, E. Marouf, JC Marty, K. Matsumoto, H. Noda, K. Oudrhiri, M. Paik, R. S. Park, M. Pätzold, R. Preston, N. Rappaport, P. Rosenblatt, R. A. Simpson, D. E. Smith, S. Smrekar, P. G. Steffes, S. Tellmann, P. Tortora, G. L. Tyler, T. van Hoolst, M. Watkins, J. G. Williams, P. Withers, X. Wu, D. Yeomans, DN Yuan, M. T. Zuber, Planetary Radio Science: Investigations of Interiors, Surfaces, Atmospheres, Rings, and Environments, Planetary Sciences Decadal Survey, The National Academies White Papers Report, 2009.</li> <li>V. Dehant, W. Folkner, E. Renotte, D. Orban, S. Asmar, G. Balmino, JP Barriot, J. Benoist, R. Biancale, J. Biele, F. Budnik, S. Burger, O. de Viron, B. Häusler, Ö. Karatekin, S. Le Maistre, P. Lognonné, M. Menvielle, M. Mitrovic, M. Pätzold, A. Rivoldini, P. Rosenblatt, G. Schubert, T.  Spohn, P. Tortora, T. van Hoolst, O. Witasse and M. Yseboodt, Lander radioscience for obtaining the rotation and orientation of Mars, <a href="">Planetary and Space Science</a>, <a href="">Volume 57, Issues 8-9</a>, Pages 1050-1067, July 2009.</li> <li>A. Fadil, J.-P. Barriot, P. Ortéga, and L. Sichoix: Seasonal Atmospheric Water Vapor Monitoring over Tahiti Using GPS measurements, Proceedings of the 11-th Pacific Science Inter-Congress, March 2nd - 6th 2009, Tahiti, French Polynesia, ISBN 978-2-11-098964-2</li> <li>A. Fadil, J.-P Barriot, L. Sichoix, and P. Ortéga : GPS subsidence rate of Tahiti Island: comparison with coral reef stratigraphy, G33B-0647, AGU 2009 Fall Meeting.</li> <li>A. Fadil, J.-P Barriot, L. Sichoix, and P. Ortéga: GPS Subsidence Rate of Tahiti Island: Comparison with Coral Reef Stratigraphy, Oral Communication, Colloque 2009 du Groupement de Recherche G2, Strasbourg, 18-20 novembre 2009.</li> <li>P. Vernant, A. Fadil, T. Mourabit, D. Ouazar, A. Koulali, J.-M Davila, J. Garate, S. McClusky, and R. Reilinger: Geodetic constraints on active tectonics of the Western Mediterranean: Implications for the kinematics and dynamics of the Nubia-Eurasia plate boundary zone, Journal of Geodynamics, doi:10.1016/j.jog.2009.10.007, 2009.</li> <li>P. Ortéga, Khanh Nam Ho, A. Fadil, J.-P. Barriot and L. Sichoix, Lightning-Integrated Water Vapor relationships in the South Pacific (Poster), 2èmes assises de la recherche française dans le Pacifique et 11<sup>ème</sup> Inter-Congrès des Sciences du Pacifique, 02-06 mars 2009, ISBN N°978-2-11-098964-2</li> <li>P. Ortéga : Generalization of the Quadratic Charge-voltage relation of the impulse corona in air, accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Dielectric and Electrical Insulation, (Sept-09)</li> <li>V. Laurent, P. Varney, P. Ortéga, Position du TSUP durant les phases ENSO, 2èmes assises de la recherche française dans le Pacifique et 11<sup>ème</sup> Inter-Congrès des Sciences du Pacifique, 02-06 mars 2009 (oral), ISBN 978-2-11-098964-2</li> <li>L. Sichoix and J.P. Barriot: Regional Tide gauge network report of French Polynesia (South central Pacific Ocean), 11<sup>th</sup> Global Sea Level Observing System - Group of Experts Meeting, May 2009, UNESCO Paris.</li> <li>L. Sichoix, J.-P. Barriot, A. Fadil and P. Ortéga : A new local GPS water vapor tomography imaging technique using spectral functions w.r.t space and time: initial tests and results for the Tahiti Island case (French Polynesia), Poster G43A-0725, AGU 2009 Fall Meeting.</li> <li>L. Sichoix, J.-P. Barriot, A. Fadil and P. Ortéga, Subsidence and hydrological erosion of Tahiti Island using space geodetic and hydrological data (Poster), 2èmes assises de la recherche française dans le Pacifique et 11<sup>ème</sup> Inter-Congrès des Sciences du Pacifique, 02-06 mars 2009, ISBN N°978-2-11-098964-2</li> <li>F. Ye, L. Sichoix, and JP Barriot, 2009. "Comparaison d'une modélisation empirique et d'une modélisation physique des processus érosifs en vue de l'amélioration des modèles de subsidence thermique de l'île de Tahiti (Polynésie française). Actes des Doctoriales conjointes UPF-UNC tenues à Papeete, Tahiti, 02-06 mars 2009, ISBN 978-2-9534554-0-3</li> <li>F. Ye, L. Sichoix, and JP Barriot, 2009. "Modeling erosion of tropical volcanic ocean island: The Tahiti case (French Polynesia) Poster NH43B-1312, AGU Fall Meeting 2009.</li> </ol> <p><strong>Informatique et télédétection <br /></strong></p> <p> </p> <ol> <li>P. Capolsini, and A. Gabillon, Security policies for the Visualization of Geo Data, ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS 2009 International Workshop on Security and Privacy in GIS and LBS (SPRINGL'09). pp. 02-11, November 3<sup>rd</sup> 2009, Seattle, WA, USA.</li> <li>A. Gabillon and P. Capolsini. Dynamic Security rules for Geo Data. in International workshop on Autonomous and Spontaneous Security (SETOP'09). 2009. St Malo, France: LNCS 5939 - Springer-Verlag. p. 136-152</li> <li>A. Gabillon, and P. Capolsini, Modelling Security Policies for Geo Data,. 4th Conference on Security in Network Architectures and Information Systems (SAR-SSI '09). pp. 243-262, June, 22-26th 2009,Luchon, France.</li> <li>D.P Le, A. Bonnecaze, A. Gabillon. Multisignatures as secure as the Diffie-Hellman problem. Proc. of the Third International Conference on Pairing-based Cryptography (Pairing 2009). Stanford University, USA, August 12-14, 2009. LNCS. Shacham, H., Waters, B. (Eds.), Vol. 5671, 2009, ISBN 978-3-642-03297-4.</li> <li>Lardeux, C., Frison P.-L.,Tison C., Souyris J.-C., Stoll B., Fruneau B., Rudant J.-P., Support Vector Machine for Multi-frequency SAR Polarimetric Data Classification. IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Decembre 2009, Vol. 47, Number 12, p. 4143-4152.</li> <li>Lardeux, C., Frison P.-L.,Mercier G., Tison C., Souyris J.-C., Stoll B., Rudant J.-P., Use of Fully Polarimetric ALOS PALSAR Data for the Cartography of Tropical Vegetation, ALOS 2009.</li> <li>L. Letouzey, "UCON et DRM : état de l’art", Actes des Doctoriales conjointes UPF-UNC 2009, Papeete, Tahiti, Mars 2009, ISBN 978-2-9534554-0-3</li> <li>L. Letouzey, "Contrôle d'Usage et Mécanismes DRM", Poster, Doctoriales conjointes UPF-UNC 2009, Papeete, Tahiti, Mars 2009.</li> <li>R. Pouteau, T. Winkel, S. Rambal and J.-P. Ratte, "Downscaling frost risks derivated from MODIS surface temperature using oro-topographic descri<span style="font-size: xx-small;">-</span>ptors," Actes des Doctoriales conjointes UPF-UNC, Tahiti, Mars 2009, ISBN 978-2-9534554-0-3</li> <li>Teina, R., Béréziat, D., Stoll, B., Chabrier, S., "A comparative study of several supervised classifiers for coconut palm tree fields' type mapping on 80cm RGB pansharpened Ikonos images" in /Image Processing: Machine Vision Applications II/, edited by Kurt S. Niel, David Fofi, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7251 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA 2009) 72510X.</li> </ol> <p><strong>Géophysique interne et externe</strong></p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <ol> <li>J.P. Barriot, D. Reymond and R. Crusem : Empirical approaches for fast robust inversion of seismic moment tensor from surface waves, Poster S33A-1742, AGU 2009 Fall Meeting.</li> <li>J.-P. Barriot, The Geodesy Observatory of Tahiti as a GGOS Observatory. Geodesy for Planet Earth Meeting (oral), Int. Association of Geodesy, Buenos Aires, August 31<sup>st</sup> -September 04<sup>th</sup> , 2009.</li> <li>J.-P. Barriot, The International Center for Earth Tides in Tahiti, Geodesy for Planet Earth Meeting (oral), International Association of Geodesy, Buenos Aires, August 31<sup>st</sup>-September 04<sup>th</sup>, 2009.</li> <li>J.-P Barriot, P. Ortéga, A. Fadil, L. Sichoix and V. Laurent, GPS monitoring for natural risk assessments and research in French Polynesia (Oral), 2èmes assises de la recherche française dans le Pacifique et 11<sup>ème</sup> Inter-Congrès des Sciences du Pacifique, March 2nd - 6th 2009, ISBN 978-2-11-098964-2</li> <li>J.-P. Barriot, P. Ortéga, A. Fadil, L. Sichoix, D. Reymond, Y. Dupont, P. Mainguy and D. Graffeille, The Polynesian Geodetic Network (POGENET): 2009 milestone (Poster), 2èmes assises de la recherche française dans le Pacifique et 11<sup>ème</sup> Inter-Congrès des Sciences du Pacifique, March 2nd - 6th 2009, ISBN 978-2-11-098964-2</li> <li>J.-P. Barriot, L. Sichoix and A. Fadil, The ill-posed inversion of the Radon transform: application to fan tomography of the water vapor contents of the atmosphere from GPS slant delays, Invited Seminar, National Central University of Taiwan, December 8, 2009</li> <li>S. W. Asmar, K. Aksnes, R. Ambrosini, A. Anabtawi, J. D. Anderson, J. W. Armstrong, D. Atkinson, JP Barriot, B. Bertotti, B. G. Bills, M. Bird, V. Dehant, P. Edenhofer, F. Michael Flasar, W. Folkner, R. G. French, H. Hanada, B. Häusler, D. P. Hinson, L. Iess, Ö. Karatekin, A. J. Kliore, A. S. Konopliv, F. Lemoine, I. Linscott, E. Marouf, JC Marty, K. Matsumoto, H. Noda, K. Oudrhiri, M. Paik, R. S. Park, M. Pätzold, R. Preston, N. Rappaport, P. Rosenblatt, R. A. Simpson, D. E. Smith, S. Smrekar, P. G. Steffes, S. Tellmann, P. Tortora, G. L. Tyler, T. van Hoolst, M. Watkins, J. G. Williams, P. Withers, X. Wu, D. Yeomans, DN Yuan, M. T. Zuber, Planetary Radio Science: Investigations of Interiors, Surfaces, Atmospheres, Rings, and Environments, Planetary Sciences Decadal Survey, The National Academies White Papers Report, 2009.</li> <li>V. Dehant, W. Folkner, E. Renotte, D. Orban, S. Asmar, G. Balmino, JP Barriot, J. Benoist, R. Biancale, J. Biele, F. Budnik, S. Burger, O. de Viron, B. Häusler, Ö. Karatekin, S. Le Maistre, P. Lognonné, M. Menvielle, M. Mitrovic, M. Pätzold, A. Rivoldini, P. Rosenblatt, G. Schubert, T.  Spohn, P. Tortora, T. van Hoolst, O. Witasse and M. Yseboodt, Lander radioscience for obtaining the rotation and orientation of Mars, <a href="">Planetary and Space Science</a>, <a href="">Volume 57, Issues 8-9</a>, Pages 1050-1067, July 2009.</li> <li>A. Fadil, J.-P. Barriot, P. Ortéga, and L. Sichoix: Seasonal Atmospheric Water Vapor Monitoring over Tahiti Using GPS measurements, Proceedings of the 11-th Pacific Science Inter-Congress, March 2nd - 6th 2009, Tahiti, French Polynesia, ISBN 978-2-11-098964-2</li> <li>A. Fadil, J.-P Barriot, L. Sichoix, and P. Ortéga : GPS subsidence rate of Tahiti Island: comparison with coral reef stratigraphy, G33B-0647, AGU 2009 Fall Meeting.</li> <li>A. Fadil, J.-P Barriot, L. Sichoix, and P. Ortéga: GPS Subsidence Rate of Tahiti Island: Comparison with Coral Reef Stratigraphy, Oral Communication, Colloque 2009 du Groupement de Recherche G2, Strasbourg, 18-20 novembre 2009.</li> <li>P. Vernant, A. Fadil, T. Mourabit, D. Ouazar, A. Koulali, J.-M Davila, J. Garate, S. McClusky, and R. Reilinger: Geodetic constraints on active tectonics of the Western Mediterranean: Implications for the kinematics and dynamics of the Nubia-Eurasia plate boundary zone, Journal of Geodynamics, doi:10.1016/j.jog.2009.10.007, 2009.</li> <li>P. Ortéga, Khanh Nam Ho, A. Fadil, J.-P. Barriot and L. Sichoix, Lightning-Integrated Water Vapor relationships in the South Pacific (Poster), 2èmes assises de la recherche française dans le Pacifique et 11<sup>ème</sup> Inter-Congrès des Sciences du Pacifique, 02-06 mars 2009, ISBN N°978-2-11-098964-2</li> <li>P. Ortéga : Generalization of the Quadratic Charge-voltage relation of the impulse corona in air, accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Dielectric and Electrical Insulation, (Sept-09)</li> <li>V. Laurent, P. Varney, P. Ortéga, Position du TSUP durant les phases ENSO, 2èmes assises de la recherche française dans le Pacifique et 11<sup>ème</sup> Inter-Congrès des Sciences du Pacifique, 02-06 mars 2009 (oral), ISBN 978-2-11-098964-2</li> <li>L. Sichoix and J.P. Barriot: Regional Tide gauge network report of French Polynesia (South central Pacific Ocean), 11<sup>th</sup> Global Sea Level Observing System - Group of Experts Meeting, May 2009, UNESCO Paris.</li> <li>L. Sichoix, J.-P. Barriot, A. Fadil and P. Ortéga : A new local GPS water vapor tomography imaging technique using spectral functions w.r.t space and time: initial tests and results for the Tahiti Island case (French Polynesia), Poster G43A-0725, AGU 2009 Fall Meeting.</li> <li>L. Sichoix, J.-P. Barriot, A. Fadil and P. Ortéga, Subsidence and hydrological erosion of Tahiti Island using space geodetic and hydrological data (Poster), 2èmes assises de la recherche française dans le Pacifique et 11<sup>ème</sup> Inter-Congrès des Sciences du Pacifique, 02-06 mars 2009, ISBN N°978-2-11-098964-2</li> <li>F. Ye, L. Sichoix, and JP Barriot, 2009. "Comparaison d'une modélisation empirique et d'une modélisation physique des processus érosifs en vue de l'amélioration des modèles de subsidence thermique de l'île de Tahiti (Polynésie française). Actes des Doctoriales conjointes UPF-UNC tenues à Papeete, Tahiti, 02-06 mars 2009, ISBN 978-2-9534554-0-3</li> <li>F. Ye, L. Sichoix, and JP Barriot, 2009. "Modeling erosion of tropical volcanic ocean island: The Tahiti case (French Polynesia) Poster NH43B-1312, AGU Fall Meeting 2009.</li> </ol> Publications 2008 2008-04-30T00:22:17Z 2008-04-30T00:22:17Z Administrator [email protected] <p>6 publications:</p> <ol> <li>Sébastien Chabrier, Christophe Rosenberger, Bruno Emile and Hélène Laurent, <strong>Optimization Based Image Segmentation by Genetic Algorithms</strong>, EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, Processing, 12 pages, 2008, URL=</li> <li>Hélène Laurent, Sébastien Chabrier, Christophe Rosenberger and Bruno Emile, <strong>Comparative study of contour detection evaluation criteria based on dissimilarity measures</strong>, EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, 13 pages, 2008, URL=</li> <li>Lardeux C., Frison P.-L., Souyris J.-C., Tison C., Stoll B., Rudant J.-P., <strong>Radar polar decomposition for the cartography of natural surfaces</strong>. in IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS '08. 2008. Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.</li> <li>Lardeux C., Frison P.-L., Souyris J.-C., Tison C., Stoll B., Rudant J.-P., <strong>Contribution of radar polarimetric data for the cartography in tropical environment.</strong> in SPIE Asia-Pacific Remote Sensing '08. 2008. Nouméa, New Caledonia.</li> <li>Teina R., Béréziat D., Stoll B., Chabrier S. <strong>Toward a Global Tuamotu Archipelago Coconut Trees Sensing using High Resolution Optical Data</strong>. in IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS '08. 2008. Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.</li> <li>Teina R., Béréziat D., Stoll B., Chabrier S. <strong>A Point Pattern Analysis applied to coconut tree fields on Ikonos pansharpened images</strong>. in SPIE Asia-Pacific Remote Sensing 2008 Nouméa. 2008. Nouméa, New Caledonia.</li> <li>Clus O., Ortéga P., Muselli M., Milimouk I. and Beysens D. "<strong>Study of dew water collection in humis tropical islands, Journal of Hydrology</strong>", 361, pp159-171, (2008)</li> <li>Dowden R., Holzworth R., Rodger C.J., Lichtenberger J. ... Ortéga P. "<strong>World-Wide Lightning Location Using VLF Propagation in the Earth-Ionosphere Waveguide</strong>", IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 50, n°5, pp 40-50, 2008.</li> <li>Ortéga P., "<strong>Charge-Voltage relation of the corona discharge in point-to-plane and coaxial configurations</strong>", Proc. of the XVII Conf. on Gas Discharge, pp.341-344, Cardiff, Sept. 2008</li> </ol> <p>6 publications:</p> <ol> <li>Sébastien Chabrier, Christophe Rosenberger, Bruno Emile and Hélène Laurent, <strong>Optimization Based Image Segmentation by Genetic Algorithms</strong>, EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, Processing, 12 pages, 2008, URL=</li> <li>Hélène Laurent, Sébastien Chabrier, Christophe Rosenberger and Bruno Emile, <strong>Comparative study of contour detection evaluation criteria based on dissimilarity measures</strong>, EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, 13 pages, 2008, URL=</li> <li>Lardeux C., Frison P.-L., Souyris J.-C., Tison C., Stoll B., Rudant J.-P., <strong>Radar polar decomposition for the cartography of natural surfaces</strong>. in IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS '08. 2008. Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.</li> <li>Lardeux C., Frison P.-L., Souyris J.-C., Tison C., Stoll B., Rudant J.-P., <strong>Contribution of radar polarimetric data for the cartography in tropical environment.</strong> in SPIE Asia-Pacific Remote Sensing '08. 2008. Nouméa, New Caledonia.</li> <li>Teina R., Béréziat D., Stoll B., Chabrier S. <strong>Toward a Global Tuamotu Archipelago Coconut Trees Sensing using High Resolution Optical Data</strong>. in IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS '08. 2008. Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.</li> <li>Teina R., Béréziat D., Stoll B., Chabrier S. <strong>A Point Pattern Analysis applied to coconut tree fields on Ikonos pansharpened images</strong>. in SPIE Asia-Pacific Remote Sensing 2008 Nouméa. 2008. Nouméa, New Caledonia.</li> <li>Clus O., Ortéga P., Muselli M., Milimouk I. and Beysens D. "<strong>Study of dew water collection in humis tropical islands, Journal of Hydrology</strong>", 361, pp159-171, (2008)</li> <li>Dowden R., Holzworth R., Rodger C.J., Lichtenberger J. ... Ortéga P. "<strong>World-Wide Lightning Location Using VLF Propagation in the Earth-Ionosphere Waveguide</strong>", IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 50, n°5, pp 40-50, 2008.</li> <li>Ortéga P., "<strong>Charge-Voltage relation of the corona discharge in point-to-plane and coaxial configurations</strong>", Proc. of the XVII Conf. on Gas Discharge, pp.341-344, Cardiff, Sept. 2008</li> </ol> Publications 2007 2008-04-30T00:21:45Z 2008-04-30T00:21:45Z Administrator [email protected] <p>5 publication:</p> <ol> <li> <p>A. Hafiane, S. Chabrier, C. Rosenberger, H. Laurent, <strong>A new supervised evaluation criterion for region based segmentation methods</strong>, Proceedings of the international conference on Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (ACIVS 2007)</p> </li> <li>Lardeux, C., Frison P.-L.,Tison C., Souyris J.-C., Niculescu S., Stoll B., Rudant J.-P. <strong>Contribution of ALOS PALSAR data for land use estimation</strong>. in Submitted ALOS '07. 2007.</li> <li>Lardeux, C., Frison P.-L.,Tison C., Deleflie D., Souyris J.-C., Niculescu S., Rudant J.-P., Stoll B., <strong>Comparison of Compact Polarimetric with Full Polarimetric Radar Data for Land Use Discrimination Based on SVM Classification</strong>. in POLinSAR '07. 2007. Frascati, Italy.</li> <li>Lardeux, C., Frison P.-L.,Tison C., Souyris J.-C., Stoll B., Rudant J.-P., <strong>Support Vector Machine for Multi-frequency SAR Polarimetric Data Classification</strong>. Submitted TGARSS, 2007.</li> <li>Teina, R., D. Béréziat, and B. Stoll. <strong>Étude de la cocoteraie des Tuamotu sur des images Ikonos</strong>. in MAJESTIC '07. 2007. Caen.</li> <li>Ortéga P., Guignes T., "<strong>Lightning activity analyses with respect to the SPCZ location</strong>", Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L11807, doi:10.1029/2007GL029730, 2007.</li> <li>Ortéga P., "<strong>A Three Magnetic Direction Finder Network for a local warning device</strong>", Journal of Lightning Research, Vol.2, pp 18-27 (2007) </li> <li>Ortéga P., Waters R.T., Haddad A., Hameed R. and Davies T.,"<strong>Impulse Breakdown Voltages of Air Gaps: a New Approach To Atmospheric Correction  Factors</strong>", IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol. 14, No.6; December 2007</li> <li>Ortéga P., Diaz R.R., Rühling F. and Heilbronner F., "<strong>Humidity effect on the inception of the first positive corona</strong>", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 40 7000-7007 (2007)</li> <li>Ortéga P., Rodière M., Diaz R., Heilbronner F.,Rühling F., "<strong>Influence of negative ions on the humidity effect on the first corona inception</strong>", Proc. of the Int. Conf Phenomenon Ionized Gases, Prague, juillet  2007</li> <li>Ortéga P., Waters R.T., Haddad A., Hameed R., Davies T., "<strong>Atmospheric correction factor for impulse breakdown voltage</strong>", Proc. of the Int. Conf Phenomenon Ionized Gases, Prague, july 2007</li> <li>Clus O., Ortéga P., Muselli M., Milimouk-Melnitchouk I. and Beysens D., "<strong>Dew water physical and chemical characteristics in tropical climate (French Polynesia)</strong>", IV International Conference on Fog, Fog collection and Dew, Chili, juillet 2007</li> <li>P. Ortéga P., "<strong>Probability distribution of the first positive corona inception</strong>", Plasma Environmental - Atmospheric electricity - Space charge - Electrical discharges, Applications and prevention – Electrostatics Science and Technology", Tahiti, août 2007</li> <li>Julien J.P., Ortéga P. and Marchi F., "<strong>An exemple of cross-fertilization in science : electrode simulation from meter to nanoscale</strong>", Plasma Environmental - Atmospheric electricity - Space charge - Electrical discharges, Applications and prevention – Electrostatics Science and Technology", Tahiti, août 2007</li> </ol> <p>5 publication:</p> <ol> <li> <p>A. Hafiane, S. Chabrier, C. Rosenberger, H. Laurent, <strong>A new supervised evaluation criterion for region based segmentation methods</strong>, Proceedings of the international conference on Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (ACIVS 2007)</p> </li> <li>Lardeux, C., Frison P.-L.,Tison C., Souyris J.-C., Niculescu S., Stoll B., Rudant J.-P. <strong>Contribution of ALOS PALSAR data for land use estimation</strong>. in Submitted ALOS '07. 2007.</li> <li>Lardeux, C., Frison P.-L.,Tison C., Deleflie D., Souyris J.-C., Niculescu S., Rudant J.-P., Stoll B., <strong>Comparison of Compact Polarimetric with Full Polarimetric Radar Data for Land Use Discrimination Based on SVM Classification</strong>. in POLinSAR '07. 2007. Frascati, Italy.</li> <li>Lardeux, C., Frison P.-L.,Tison C., Souyris J.-C., Stoll B., Rudant J.-P., <strong>Support Vector Machine for Multi-frequency SAR Polarimetric Data Classification</strong>. Submitted TGARSS, 2007.</li> <li>Teina, R., D. Béréziat, and B. Stoll. <strong>Étude de la cocoteraie des Tuamotu sur des images Ikonos</strong>. in MAJESTIC '07. 2007. Caen.</li> <li>Ortéga P., Guignes T., "<strong>Lightning activity analyses with respect to the SPCZ location</strong>", Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L11807, doi:10.1029/2007GL029730, 2007.</li> <li>Ortéga P., "<strong>A Three Magnetic Direction Finder Network for a local warning device</strong>", Journal of Lightning Research, Vol.2, pp 18-27 (2007) </li> <li>Ortéga P., Waters R.T., Haddad A., Hameed R. and Davies T.,"<strong>Impulse Breakdown Voltages of Air Gaps: a New Approach To Atmospheric Correction  Factors</strong>", IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol. 14, No.6; December 2007</li> <li>Ortéga P., Diaz R.R., Rühling F. and Heilbronner F., "<strong>Humidity effect on the inception of the first positive corona</strong>", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 40 7000-7007 (2007)</li> <li>Ortéga P., Rodière M., Diaz R., Heilbronner F.,Rühling F., "<strong>Influence of negative ions on the humidity effect on the first corona inception</strong>", Proc. of the Int. Conf Phenomenon Ionized Gases, Prague, juillet  2007</li> <li>Ortéga P., Waters R.T., Haddad A., Hameed R., Davies T., "<strong>Atmospheric correction factor for impulse breakdown voltage</strong>", Proc. of the Int. Conf Phenomenon Ionized Gases, Prague, july 2007</li> <li>Clus O., Ortéga P., Muselli M., Milimouk-Melnitchouk I. and Beysens D., "<strong>Dew water physical and chemical characteristics in tropical climate (French Polynesia)</strong>", IV International Conference on Fog, Fog collection and Dew, Chili, juillet 2007</li> <li>P. Ortéga P., "<strong>Probability distribution of the first positive corona inception</strong>", Plasma Environmental - Atmospheric electricity - Space charge - Electrical discharges, Applications and prevention – Electrostatics Science and Technology", Tahiti, août 2007</li> <li>Julien J.P., Ortéga P. and Marchi F., "<strong>An exemple of cross-fertilization in science : electrode simulation from meter to nanoscale</strong>", Plasma Environmental - Atmospheric electricity - Space charge - Electrical discharges, Applications and prevention – Electrostatics Science and Technology", Tahiti, août 2007</li> </ol> Publications 2006 2008-04-30T00:21:10Z 2008-04-30T00:21:10Z Administrator [email protected] <p>8 publications:</p> <ol> <li>Pireaux S., J.-P. Barriot and P. Rosenblatt, <strong>(SC)RMI : A (S)emi-(C)lassical (R)elativistic (M)otion (I)ntegrator, to model the orbits of space probes around the Earth and other planets</strong>, Acta Astronautica, 59, (2006), pp 517-523.</li> <li>Abbasi M., J.-P. Barriot and J. Verdun, <strong>Airborne LaCoste & Romberg gravimetry: a space domain approach</strong>, Journal of Geodesy, DOI 10.1007/s00190-006-0107-z, November 2006.</li> <li>A. Guarino, R. Scorretti, L. Vanel and S. Ciliberto, <strong>Cooperative effect of load and disorder in thermally activated rupture of a two-dimensional random fuse network</strong>, J. of Stat. Mech, P06020 (2006).</li> <li>Martinez, E., K. Maamaatuaiahutapu, C. Payri, A. Ganachaud (2006), <strong>Turbinaria ornata invasion in the Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia : ocean drift connectivity, Coral Reefs</strong>, sous presse, 2006.</li> <li>S. Andréfouët, S. Ouillon, R. Brinkman, P. Douillet, J. Falter, F. Wolke, R. Smith, P. Garen, E. Martinez, V. Laurent, C. Lo, G. Remoissenet, B. Scourzic, A. gilbert, D. Buestel, E. Deleersnijder, C. Steinberg (2006), <strong>State-of-the-art solutions for 3D hydrodynamic modelling applied to aquaculture in atoll lagoons</strong>. Marine Pollution Bulletin (Submitted).</li> <li>D. Beysens, M. Muselli, I. Milimouk, C. Ohayon, S. Berkowicz, E. Soyeux, M. Mileta, P. Ortega, <strong>Application of passive radiative for dew condensation </strong>; Energy 31, 1967-1979, 2006.</li> <li>O. Clus, P. Ortéga, M. Muselli, I. Milimouk, D. Beysens, <strong>Dew formation in humid tropical climate (French Polynesia) </strong>; soumis à Journal of Hydrology, (juin 2006).</li> <li>Cédric Lardeux, Pierre-Louis Frison, Jean-Paul Rudant, Jean-Claude Souyris, Céline Tison, Benoît Stoll, "<strong>Use of the SVM Classification with Polarimetric SAR Data for Land Use Cartography</strong>", IGARSS 2006, July 31- August 04, Denver, Colorado. </li> <li>Beysens D., Muselli M., Milimouk I., Ohayon O., Berkowicz S., Soyeux E., Ortega P., "<strong>Application of passive radiative cooling for dew condensation</strong>", Energy, Vol. 31, pp1967-1979, (2006) </li> </ol> <p>8 publications:</p> <ol> <li>Pireaux S., J.-P. Barriot and P. Rosenblatt, <strong>(SC)RMI : A (S)emi-(C)lassical (R)elativistic (M)otion (I)ntegrator, to model the orbits of space probes around the Earth and other planets</strong>, Acta Astronautica, 59, (2006), pp 517-523.</li> <li>Abbasi M., J.-P. Barriot and J. Verdun, <strong>Airborne LaCoste & Romberg gravimetry: a space domain approach</strong>, Journal of Geodesy, DOI 10.1007/s00190-006-0107-z, November 2006.</li> <li>A. Guarino, R. Scorretti, L. Vanel and S. Ciliberto, <strong>Cooperative effect of load and disorder in thermally activated rupture of a two-dimensional random fuse network</strong>, J. of Stat. Mech, P06020 (2006).</li> <li>Martinez, E., K. Maamaatuaiahutapu, C. Payri, A. Ganachaud (2006), <strong>Turbinaria ornata invasion in the Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia : ocean drift connectivity, Coral Reefs</strong>, sous presse, 2006.</li> <li>S. Andréfouët, S. Ouillon, R. Brinkman, P. Douillet, J. Falter, F. Wolke, R. Smith, P. Garen, E. Martinez, V. Laurent, C. Lo, G. Remoissenet, B. Scourzic, A. gilbert, D. Buestel, E. Deleersnijder, C. Steinberg (2006), <strong>State-of-the-art solutions for 3D hydrodynamic modelling applied to aquaculture in atoll lagoons</strong>. Marine Pollution Bulletin (Submitted).</li> <li>D. Beysens, M. Muselli, I. Milimouk, C. Ohayon, S. Berkowicz, E. Soyeux, M. Mileta, P. Ortega, <strong>Application of passive radiative for dew condensation </strong>; Energy 31, 1967-1979, 2006.</li> <li>O. Clus, P. Ortéga, M. Muselli, I. Milimouk, D. Beysens, <strong>Dew formation in humid tropical climate (French Polynesia) </strong>; soumis à Journal of Hydrology, (juin 2006).</li> <li>Cédric Lardeux, Pierre-Louis Frison, Jean-Paul Rudant, Jean-Claude Souyris, Céline Tison, Benoît Stoll, "<strong>Use of the SVM Classification with Polarimetric SAR Data for Land Use Cartography</strong>", IGARSS 2006, July 31- August 04, Denver, Colorado. </li> <li>Beysens D., Muselli M., Milimouk I., Ohayon O., Berkowicz S., Soyeux E., Ortega P., "<strong>Application of passive radiative cooling for dew condensation</strong>", Energy, Vol. 31, pp1967-1979, (2006) </li> </ol> Publications 2005 2008-04-30T00:19:31Z 2008-04-30T00:19:31Z Administrator [email protected] <p>23 publications:</p> <ol> <li>Lucente, F.P., L. Margheriti, C. Piromallo and G. Barruol, <strong>Mapping the long route of the Tyrrhenian slab through the mantle</strong>, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., accepted, 2005.</li> <li>Suetsugu D., Shiobara, H., Sugioka, H., Barruol, G., Schindelé, F., Reymond, D., Bonneville, A., Debayle, E., Isse, T., Kanazawa, T. &amp; Fukao, Y., 2005. <strong>Probing South Pacific mantle plumes with Broadband OBS</strong>, Eos, accepted. </li> <li>Barruol, G., D. Reymond, F. Fontaine, V. Maurer, O. Hyvernaud, K. Maamaatuaiahutapu , <strong>Characterizing swells in the southern Pacific from seismic and infrasonic noise analyses</strong>, Geophys. J. Int., submitted, 2005.</li> <li>Maggi A., Debayle, E., Priestley, K. &amp; Barruol, G., <strong>High resolution surface waveform tomography of the Pacific ocean : a closer look at the lithospheric cooling signature</strong>, Geophys. J. Int., submitted, 2005.</li> <li>S. McConville, D. Laurent, A. Guarino and S. Residori, <strong>Measurement of the giant non-linear response of dye-doped liquid Crystals</strong>, American Journal of Physics, Vol 73, Issue 5, pp. 425-432 (2005).</li> <li>A. Antoniazzi, G. De Ninno, D. Fanelli, A. Guarino and S. Ruffo, <strong>Wave-particle interaction : from plasma physics to the free-electron laser</strong>, Journal of Physics Vol 7, 143-153 (2005).</li> <li>P. Rigord, A. Guarino, V. Vidal and J.-C. Geminard, <strong>Localized instability of a thin granular layer submitted to an ascending liquid flow.*</strong>, Granular Matter, Vol 7, 4, November (2005).</li> <li>Martinez, E., K. Maamaatuaiahutapu, 2005, <strong>Oceanic Surface Circulation In The South Pacific Ocean : Application To Debris Drift</strong>, en prép.</li> <li>Martinez, E., K. Maamaatuaiahutapu, 2005, <strong>Seaweeds Lagrangian drift in French Polynesia</strong>, en prép.</li> <li>Verbruggen H., N’Yeurt A. D. R. and Vroom P. S. 2005, <strong>Phylogeny and taxonomy of Halimeda incrassata, including the description of H. kanaloana and H. heteromorpha spp. nov. (Caulerpales, Chlorophyta)</strong>. European Journal of Phycology (sous presse).</li> <li>N’Yeurt A. D. R. and Payri C. E. 2005, <strong>Marine benthic algal flora of French Polynesia. I. Phaeophyceae. Cryptogamie, Algologie </strong>(sous presse).</li> <li>N’Yeurt A. D. R., Payri C. E., Gabrielson P. W. and De Clerck O. 2005, <strong>Plagiocladia gen. nov. (Rhodophyta : Dasyaceae) based on Dasyopsis geppii Weber-van Bosse. Phycologia </strong>(en revue).</li> <li>N’Yeurt A. D. R. and Payri C. E. 2005, <strong>Marine benthic algal flora of French Polynesia. II. Chlorophyta. Cryptogamie, Algologie </strong>(en revue).</li> <li>N’Yeurt A. D. R., Payri C. E. and Gabrielson P. W. 2005, <strong>Peltasta menouana sp. nov. (Rhodophyta : Dicranemataceae) from New Caledonia and Fiji (South Pacific). Phycologia </strong>(en revue).</li> <li>Indy J. R., N’Yeurt A. D. R., De Clerck O. and Yasui H. 2005, <strong>Reproductive morphology and taxonomic reappraisal of Exophyllum wentii Weber-van Bosse (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta) from Bali Island</strong>, Indonesia. Phycological Research (en revue).</li> <li>Ortéga, P., F. Rühling, F. Heilbronner, R. R. Díaz and M. Rodière: <strong>Charge-voltage relationship of the first impulse corona in long airgaps </strong>; Journal of Phys. D. Appl. Phys, 38 (2005) 2215-2226.</li> <li>Andréfouët S, Gilbert A., Yann L, Remoissenet G, Payri CE and Chancerelle Y. 2005, <strong>The remarkable population size of the endangered clam Tridacna maxima assessed in Fangatau atoll (eastern Tuamotu, French Polynesia) using in situ and remote sensing data</strong>, ICES Journal of Marine Sciences 62 : 1073-1048.</li> <li>Conte E. and Payri C. E. 2005. <strong>Present day consumption of edible algae in French Polynesia : A study of the survival of pre-European practices</strong>, Journal of the Polynesian Society (sous presse).</li> <li>Fichez, R., Adjeroud M., Bozec Y.M., Breau L., Chancerelle Y., Chevillon C., Douillet P., Fernandez J.M., Frouin P., Kulbicki M., Moreton B., Ouillon S., Payri C.E., Perez T., Sasal P. and Thébault J. 2005, <strong>A review of selected indicators of particle, nutrient and metal inputs in coral reef lagoon systems</strong>. Aquatic Living Ressources (sous presse).</li> <li>Stiger V and Payri CE. 2005, <strong>Natural settlement dynamics of a young population of Turbinaria ornata and phenological comparisons with older populations.</strong>, Aquatic Botany 81: 225-243.</li> <li>P. Ortéga, <strong>Lightning location system in Tahiti : VIII International Symposium on Lightning Protection</strong>, São Paulo, Nov 2005.</li> <li>Benoît Stoll, "<strong>SARvi:</strong> <strong>A Vegetation Index based on AirSAR Data for South Pacific Volcanic Islands Vegetation Mapping</strong>", IGARSS 2005, 25-29 Septembre, Séoul Korea.</li> </ol> <p>23 publications:</p> <ol> <li>Lucente, F.P., L. Margheriti, C. Piromallo and G. Barruol, <strong>Mapping the long route of the Tyrrhenian slab through the mantle</strong>, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., accepted, 2005.</li> <li>Suetsugu D., Shiobara, H., Sugioka, H., Barruol, G., Schindelé, F., Reymond, D., Bonneville, A., Debayle, E., Isse, T., Kanazawa, T. &amp; Fukao, Y., 2005. <strong>Probing South Pacific mantle plumes with Broadband OBS</strong>, Eos, accepted. </li> <li>Barruol, G., D. Reymond, F. Fontaine, V. Maurer, O. Hyvernaud, K. Maamaatuaiahutapu , <strong>Characterizing swells in the southern Pacific from seismic and infrasonic noise analyses</strong>, Geophys. J. Int., submitted, 2005.</li> <li>Maggi A., Debayle, E., Priestley, K. &amp; Barruol, G., <strong>High resolution surface waveform tomography of the Pacific ocean : a closer look at the lithospheric cooling signature</strong>, Geophys. J. Int., submitted, 2005.</li> <li>S. McConville, D. Laurent, A. Guarino and S. Residori, <strong>Measurement of the giant non-linear response of dye-doped liquid Crystals</strong>, American Journal of Physics, Vol 73, Issue 5, pp. 425-432 (2005).</li> <li>A. Antoniazzi, G. De Ninno, D. Fanelli, A. Guarino and S. Ruffo, <strong>Wave-particle interaction : from plasma physics to the free-electron laser</strong>, Journal of Physics Vol 7, 143-153 (2005).</li> <li>P. Rigord, A. Guarino, V. Vidal and J.-C. Geminard, <strong>Localized instability of a thin granular layer submitted to an ascending liquid flow.*</strong>, Granular Matter, Vol 7, 4, November (2005).</li> <li>Martinez, E., K. Maamaatuaiahutapu, 2005, <strong>Oceanic Surface Circulation In The South Pacific Ocean : Application To Debris Drift</strong>, en prép.</li> <li>Martinez, E., K. Maamaatuaiahutapu, 2005, <strong>Seaweeds Lagrangian drift in French Polynesia</strong>, en prép.</li> <li>Verbruggen H., N’Yeurt A. D. R. and Vroom P. S. 2005, <strong>Phylogeny and taxonomy of Halimeda incrassata, including the description of H. kanaloana and H. heteromorpha spp. nov. (Caulerpales, Chlorophyta)</strong>. European Journal of Phycology (sous presse).</li> <li>N’Yeurt A. D. R. and Payri C. E. 2005, <strong>Marine benthic algal flora of French Polynesia. I. Phaeophyceae. Cryptogamie, Algologie </strong>(sous presse).</li> <li>N’Yeurt A. D. R., Payri C. E., Gabrielson P. W. and De Clerck O. 2005, <strong>Plagiocladia gen. nov. (Rhodophyta : Dasyaceae) based on Dasyopsis geppii Weber-van Bosse. Phycologia </strong>(en revue).</li> <li>N’Yeurt A. D. R. and Payri C. E. 2005, <strong>Marine benthic algal flora of French Polynesia. II. Chlorophyta. Cryptogamie, Algologie </strong>(en revue).</li> <li>N’Yeurt A. D. R., Payri C. E. and Gabrielson P. W. 2005, <strong>Peltasta menouana sp. nov. (Rhodophyta : Dicranemataceae) from New Caledonia and Fiji (South Pacific). Phycologia </strong>(en revue).</li> <li>Indy J. R., N’Yeurt A. D. R., De Clerck O. and Yasui H. 2005, <strong>Reproductive morphology and taxonomic reappraisal of Exophyllum wentii Weber-van Bosse (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta) from Bali Island</strong>, Indonesia. Phycological Research (en revue).</li> <li>Ortéga, P., F. Rühling, F. Heilbronner, R. R. Díaz and M. Rodière: <strong>Charge-voltage relationship of the first impulse corona in long airgaps </strong>; Journal of Phys. D. Appl. Phys, 38 (2005) 2215-2226.</li> <li>Andréfouët S, Gilbert A., Yann L, Remoissenet G, Payri CE and Chancerelle Y. 2005, <strong>The remarkable population size of the endangered clam Tridacna maxima assessed in Fangatau atoll (eastern Tuamotu, French Polynesia) using in situ and remote sensing data</strong>, ICES Journal of Marine Sciences 62 : 1073-1048.</li> <li>Conte E. and Payri C. E. 2005. <strong>Present day consumption of edible algae in French Polynesia : A study of the survival of pre-European practices</strong>, Journal of the Polynesian Society (sous presse).</li> <li>Fichez, R., Adjeroud M., Bozec Y.M., Breau L., Chancerelle Y., Chevillon C., Douillet P., Fernandez J.M., Frouin P., Kulbicki M., Moreton B., Ouillon S., Payri C.E., Perez T., Sasal P. and Thébault J. 2005, <strong>A review of selected indicators of particle, nutrient and metal inputs in coral reef lagoon systems</strong>. Aquatic Living Ressources (sous presse).</li> <li>Stiger V and Payri CE. 2005, <strong>Natural settlement dynamics of a young population of Turbinaria ornata and phenological comparisons with older populations.</strong>, Aquatic Botany 81: 225-243.</li> <li>P. Ortéga, <strong>Lightning location system in Tahiti : VIII International Symposium on Lightning Protection</strong>, São Paulo, Nov 2005.</li> <li>Benoît Stoll, "<strong>SARvi:</strong> <strong>A Vegetation Index based on AirSAR Data for South Pacific Volcanic Islands Vegetation Mapping</strong>", IGARSS 2005, 25-29 Septembre, Séoul Korea.</li> </ol> Publications 2004 2008-04-30T00:18:55Z 2008-04-30T00:18:55Z Administrator [email protected] <p>9 publications:</p> <ol> <li>Barruol, G., A. Deschamps, and O. Coutant, <strong>Mapping Upper mantle anisotropy beneath SE France by SKS splitting indicates a Neogene asthenosphere flow induced by the Apenninic slab rollback and deflected by the deep Alpine roots</strong>, Tectonophysics, 394, 125-138, 2004</li> <li>A.Guarino and V. Vidal, <strong>Hexagonal pattern instabilities on a non-Boussinesq fluid in rotating Rayleigh-Bénard convection : Experimental results, Physical review </strong>E vol 69 066311 (2004).</li> <li>Martinez, E., K. Maamaatuaiahutapu, 2004, <strong>Islands mass effect in the Marquesas Islands : time variation</strong>, Geophysical Research Letters, 31, L18307, doi:10.1029/2004GL020682</li> <li>Martinez E, K. Maamaatuaiahutapu (2004), <strong>Island mass effect in Marquesas islands : seasonal variations</strong>, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L18307, doi:10.1029/2004GL020682.</li> <li>N’Yeurt A. D. R. and Payri C. E. 2004, <strong>A preliminary annotated checklist of the marine algae and seagrasses of the Wallis Islands (French Overseas Territory of Wallis and Futuna)</strong>, South Pacific, Australian Systematic Botany 17: 367-397.</li> <li>Andréfouët, S., Payri, C.E., Hochberg, E. J., Hu, C., Atkinson, M.J. and Muller-Karger, F. E. (2004), <strong>Use of in situ and airborne reflectance for scaling-up spectral discrimination of coral reef macroalgae from species to communities</strong>. MEPS , 283 : 161-177.</li> <li>Stiger V., Deslandes E., and C.E. Payri (2004), <strong>Phenolic contents of two brown algae, Turbinaria ornata and Sargassum mangarevense on Tahiti (French Polynesia) : interspecific, ontogenic and spatio-temporal variations</strong>, Botanica Marina 42:407-409.</li> <li>Andréfouët S. M., Zubia M. and Payri C. E. 2004, <strong>Mapping and biomass estimation of the invasive brown algae Turbinaria ornata (Turner) J. Agardh and Sargassum mangarevense (Grunow) Setchell on heterogeneous Tahitian coral reefs using 4-meter resolution IKONOS satellite data</strong>. Coral Reefs 23:1:26-38.</li> <li>Benoît Stoll, Patrick Capolsini, "<strong>A Simple Class-Set Based Vegetation Classification of a South Pacific Volcanic Island (Moorea Island, French Polynesia) Using Both AirSAR and MASTER Data</strong>", IGARSS 2004, 20-24 Septembre, Anchorage Alaska.</li> <li>Beysens D., Muselli M., Milimouk I., Ohayon C., Berkowicz S., Soyeux E. and Ortéga P.,"<strong>Passive Radiative Condensers to Extract Water from Air</strong>", Bull. of the Croatian Meteorological Society, 39, 59-69, (2004)</li> </ol> <p> </p> <p>9 publications:</p> <ol> <li>Barruol, G., A. Deschamps, and O. Coutant, <strong>Mapping Upper mantle anisotropy beneath SE France by SKS splitting indicates a Neogene asthenosphere flow induced by the Apenninic slab rollback and deflected by the deep Alpine roots</strong>, Tectonophysics, 394, 125-138, 2004</li> <li>A.Guarino and V. Vidal, <strong>Hexagonal pattern instabilities on a non-Boussinesq fluid in rotating Rayleigh-Bénard convection : Experimental results, Physical review </strong>E vol 69 066311 (2004).</li> <li>Martinez, E., K. Maamaatuaiahutapu, 2004, <strong>Islands mass effect in the Marquesas Islands : time variation</strong>, Geophysical Research Letters, 31, L18307, doi:10.1029/2004GL020682</li> <li>Martinez E, K. Maamaatuaiahutapu (2004), <strong>Island mass effect in Marquesas islands : seasonal variations</strong>, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L18307, doi:10.1029/2004GL020682.</li> <li>N’Yeurt A. D. R. and Payri C. E. 2004, <strong>A preliminary annotated checklist of the marine algae and seagrasses of the Wallis Islands (French Overseas Territory of Wallis and Futuna)</strong>, South Pacific, Australian Systematic Botany 17: 367-397.</li> <li>Andréfouët, S., Payri, C.E., Hochberg, E. J., Hu, C., Atkinson, M.J. and Muller-Karger, F. E. (2004), <strong>Use of in situ and airborne reflectance for scaling-up spectral discrimination of coral reef macroalgae from species to communities</strong>. MEPS , 283 : 161-177.</li> <li>Stiger V., Deslandes E., and C.E. Payri (2004), <strong>Phenolic contents of two brown algae, Turbinaria ornata and Sargassum mangarevense on Tahiti (French Polynesia) : interspecific, ontogenic and spatio-temporal variations</strong>, Botanica Marina 42:407-409.</li> <li>Andréfouët S. M., Zubia M. and Payri C. E. 2004, <strong>Mapping and biomass estimation of the invasive brown algae Turbinaria ornata (Turner) J. Agardh and Sargassum mangarevense (Grunow) Setchell on heterogeneous Tahitian coral reefs using 4-meter resolution IKONOS satellite data</strong>. Coral Reefs 23:1:26-38.</li> <li>Benoît Stoll, Patrick Capolsini, "<strong>A Simple Class-Set Based Vegetation Classification of a South Pacific Volcanic Island (Moorea Island, French Polynesia) Using Both AirSAR and MASTER Data</strong>", IGARSS 2004, 20-24 Septembre, Anchorage Alaska.</li> <li>Beysens D., Muselli M., Milimouk I., Ohayon C., Berkowicz S., Soyeux E. and Ortéga P.,"<strong>Passive Radiative Condensers to Extract Water from Air</strong>", Bull. of the Croatian Meteorological Society, 39, 59-69, (2004)</li> </ol> <p> </p> Publications 2003 2008-04-30T00:17:58Z 2008-04-30T00:17:58Z Administrator [email protected] <div>14 publications:</div> <div><ol> <li>Heintz, M., A. Vauchez, M. Assumpção, G. Barruol, and M. Egydio-Silva, <strong>Shear wave splitting in SE Brazil : an effect of active or fossil upper mantle flow, or both ?</strong>, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett, 211(1-2) : 79-95, 2003 </li> <li>Capolsini P., Andréfouët S., Rion C. and Payri C.E. 2003, <strong>A comparison of Landsat ETM+, SPOT HRV, Ikonos, ASTER and airborne MASTER data for coral reef habitat mapping in South Pacific islands</strong>, Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing. 29 (2) : 187-200.</li> <li>Bagdassarov N. S., Maumus J., Fontaine F., Schmeling H., and Ildefonse B., <strong>Physikalische Eigenschaften teilgeschmolzener Gesteine an der mittelozeanischen Spreizungsachse</strong>, Mitteilungen der Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft, No 3, p. 2-16, 2003.</li> <li>S. Santucci, L. Vanel, A. Guarino, R. Scorretti, and S. Ciliberto, <strong>Thermally activated rupture in homogenous brittle materials</strong>, The Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry Vol 77, Suppl. 1 (2003).</li> <li>S. Santucci, L. Vanel, A. Guarino, R. Scorretti, and S. Ciliberto, <strong>Thermal activation of rupture and slow crack growth in a model of homogeneous brittle materials</strong>, Europhysics Letters, Vol 62, 3 pp 320-326 (2003).</li> <li>R. Scorretti, S. Santucci and A. Guarino, L. Vanel and S. Ciliberto,<strong> Failure time of elastic materials submitted to a constant load, Materials Physics and Mechanics</strong>, No 1,Vol 6 (2003).</li> <li>Zubia M., Payri C. E., Deslandes E. and Guezennec J. 2003. <strong>Chemical composition of attached and drift specimens of Sargassum mangarevense and Turbinaria ornata (Phaeophyta : Fucales) from Tahiti</strong>, French Polynesia., Botanica Marina 46 : 562-571.</li> <li>Andréfouët S. M., Payri C., Hochberg E. J., Mao Che L. and Atkinson M. J. 2003. <strong>Airborne hyperspectral detection of microbial mat pigmentation in Rangiroa atoll (French Polynesia)</strong>, Limnology and Oceanography 48 : 426-430.</li> <li>Andréfouët S., Robinson J.A., Hu C., Feldman G.C., Salvat B., Payri C.E., and Muller-Karger F.M. 2003, <strong>Influence of the spatial resolution of SeaWiFS, Landsat 7, SPOT and International Space Station data on landscape parameters of Pacific Ocean atolls</strong>, Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 29(2) : 210-218.</li> <li>Payri, C.E. and Cabioch, G. 2003, <strong>The systematics and significance of coralline red algae in the rhodolith sequence of the Amédée 4 drill core (South-West New-Caledonia)</strong>, Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 204: 187-208.</li> <li>Patrick Capolsini, Benoît Stoll, Serge Andrefouet, "<strong>A Comparison of Classification Algorithms for Coral Reef Mapping in South Pacific Island</strong>", IGARSS 2003, 21-25 Juillet 2003, Toulouse.</li> <li>Benoît Stoll, Johann Thomas, Patrick Capolsini: "<strong>A Vegetation Classification of the Opunohui Valley (Moorea Island, French Polynesia) based on a Relative Canopy-Height Class Set Using AirSAR and MASTER Data</strong>", AGU2003, 8-12 Décembre 2003, San Francisco.</li> <li>P. Ortéga, M. Rodière, <strong>Stability indices as thunderstorm forecast, International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity</strong>, ICAE, Versailles June 2003. </li> <li>F. Rühling F. Heilbronner, P. Ortéga, <strong>Discharge inception under impulse voltage : Influence of lab air ion density and resulting charge-voltage relation</strong>, International Symposium on High Voltage, Delf 2003.</li> </ol></div> <div>14 publications:</div> <div><ol> <li>Heintz, M., A. Vauchez, M. Assumpção, G. Barruol, and M. Egydio-Silva, <strong>Shear wave splitting in SE Brazil : an effect of active or fossil upper mantle flow, or both ?</strong>, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett, 211(1-2) : 79-95, 2003 </li> <li>Capolsini P., Andréfouët S., Rion C. and Payri C.E. 2003, <strong>A comparison of Landsat ETM+, SPOT HRV, Ikonos, ASTER and airborne MASTER data for coral reef habitat mapping in South Pacific islands</strong>, Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing. 29 (2) : 187-200.</li> <li>Bagdassarov N. S., Maumus J., Fontaine F., Schmeling H., and Ildefonse B., <strong>Physikalische Eigenschaften teilgeschmolzener Gesteine an der mittelozeanischen Spreizungsachse</strong>, Mitteilungen der Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft, No 3, p. 2-16, 2003.</li> <li>S. Santucci, L. Vanel, A. Guarino, R. Scorretti, and S. Ciliberto, <strong>Thermally activated rupture in homogenous brittle materials</strong>, The Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry Vol 77, Suppl. 1 (2003).</li> <li>S. Santucci, L. Vanel, A. Guarino, R. Scorretti, and S. Ciliberto, <strong>Thermal activation of rupture and slow crack growth in a model of homogeneous brittle materials</strong>, Europhysics Letters, Vol 62, 3 pp 320-326 (2003).</li> <li>R. Scorretti, S. Santucci and A. Guarino, L. Vanel and S. Ciliberto,<strong> Failure time of elastic materials submitted to a constant load, Materials Physics and Mechanics</strong>, No 1,Vol 6 (2003).</li> <li>Zubia M., Payri C. E., Deslandes E. and Guezennec J. 2003. <strong>Chemical composition of attached and drift specimens of Sargassum mangarevense and Turbinaria ornata (Phaeophyta : Fucales) from Tahiti</strong>, French Polynesia., Botanica Marina 46 : 562-571.</li> <li>Andréfouët S. M., Payri C., Hochberg E. J., Mao Che L. and Atkinson M. J. 2003. <strong>Airborne hyperspectral detection of microbial mat pigmentation in Rangiroa atoll (French Polynesia)</strong>, Limnology and Oceanography 48 : 426-430.</li> <li>Andréfouët S., Robinson J.A., Hu C., Feldman G.C., Salvat B., Payri C.E., and Muller-Karger F.M. 2003, <strong>Influence of the spatial resolution of SeaWiFS, Landsat 7, SPOT and International Space Station data on landscape parameters of Pacific Ocean atolls</strong>, Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 29(2) : 210-218.</li> <li>Payri, C.E. and Cabioch, G. 2003, <strong>The systematics and significance of coralline red algae in the rhodolith sequence of the Amédée 4 drill core (South-West New-Caledonia)</strong>, Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 204: 187-208.</li> <li>Patrick Capolsini, Benoît Stoll, Serge Andrefouet, "<strong>A Comparison of Classification Algorithms for Coral Reef Mapping in South Pacific Island</strong>", IGARSS 2003, 21-25 Juillet 2003, Toulouse.</li> <li>Benoît Stoll, Johann Thomas, Patrick Capolsini: "<strong>A Vegetation Classification of the Opunohui Valley (Moorea Island, French Polynesia) based on a Relative Canopy-Height Class Set Using AirSAR and MASTER Data</strong>", AGU2003, 8-12 Décembre 2003, San Francisco.</li> <li>P. Ortéga, M. Rodière, <strong>Stability indices as thunderstorm forecast, International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity</strong>, ICAE, Versailles June 2003. </li> <li>F. Rühling F. Heilbronner, P. Ortéga, <strong>Discharge inception under impulse voltage : Influence of lab air ion density and resulting charge-voltage relation</strong>, International Symposium on High Voltage, Delf 2003.</li> </ol></div> Publications 2002 2008-03-15T01:36:33Z 2008-03-15T01:36:33Z Administrator [email protected] 9 publications:<br /><ol><li><div align="justify">Andréfouët , Payri CE, Hochberg EJ, Mao Che L., and Atkinson MJ -<strong>Airborne hyperspectral detection of microbial mat pigmentation in Rangiroa atoll (French Polynesia)</strong>. Limnol and Oceanogr. Special Issue COBOP.</div></li><li><div align="justify">Andréfouët S., Hochberg E. J., Payri C.E, Atkinson M.J., Muller-Karger F.E. Ripley H. (sous presse).<strong> Multi-scale remote sensing of microbial mats in atolls environment.</strong></div> International Journal of Remote Sensing. Special Issue on remote sensing of the coastal marine environment</li><li><div align="justify">Burja AM, Abou-Mansour E., Banaigs B., Payri CE, Burgess JG and Wright PC- <strong>Culture of the marine cyanobacterium, Lynbbya majuscula (Oscillatoriaceae), for bioprocess intensified production of cyclic and linear lipopeptides</strong>. Journal of Microbiological methods, 48: 207-219.</div></li><li><div align="justify">Calmant S. et Bonneville A., <strong>Cartographie des fonds océaniques</strong>, P. Larouche (ed.), La télédétection appliquée à l'étude du milieu marin, Gordon&Breach. sous presse.</div></li><li><div align="justify">Payri C.E. (sous presse)- <strong>Production primaire et calcification des algues benthiques en milieu corallien</strong>. Océanis<br /> Wookey J., Kendall M. and Barruol G., <strong>Evidence of mid-mantle deformation from seismic anisotropy</strong>, Nature, In press, 2002</div></li><li><div align="justify"><strong>Failure time and critical behaviour of fracture precursors in heterogeneous materials </strong>: A. Guarino, S. Ciliberto, A. Garcimartín, M. Zei and R. Scorretti. European Physical Journal B 26, 141-151 (2002)</div></li><li><div align="justify">Wookey, J., Kendall, M. and Barruol, G., <strong>Mid-mantle deformation inferred from seismic anisotropy</strong>, Nature, 415, 777-780, 2002.</div></li><li><div align="justify"> Barruol G. and M. Granet, <strong>A Tertiary asthenospheric flow beneath the southern French Massif Central related to the west Mediterranean extension evidenced by upper mantle seismic anisotropy</strong>, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 202, 31-47, 2002.</div></li><li><div align="justify"> Barruol G., D. Bosch, V. Clouard, E. Debayle, M. P. Doin, F. Fontaine, M. Godard, F. Masson, D. Reymond, A. Tommasi and C. Thoraval, <strong>PLUME investigates the South Pacific Superswell</strong>, Eos, 83, 511-514, 2002. </div><p>&nbsp;</p></li></ol> 9 publications:<br /><ol><li><div align="justify">Andréfouët , Payri CE, Hochberg EJ, Mao Che L., and Atkinson MJ -<strong>Airborne hyperspectral detection of microbial mat pigmentation in Rangiroa atoll (French Polynesia)</strong>. Limnol and Oceanogr. Special Issue COBOP.</div></li><li><div align="justify">Andréfouët S., Hochberg E. J., Payri C.E, Atkinson M.J., Muller-Karger F.E. Ripley H. (sous presse).<strong> Multi-scale remote sensing of microbial mats in atolls environment.</strong></div> International Journal of Remote Sensing. Special Issue on remote sensing of the coastal marine environment</li><li><div align="justify">Burja AM, Abou-Mansour E., Banaigs B., Payri CE, Burgess JG and Wright PC- <strong>Culture of the marine cyanobacterium, Lynbbya majuscula (Oscillatoriaceae), for bioprocess intensified production of cyclic and linear lipopeptides</strong>. Journal of Microbiological methods, 48: 207-219.</div></li><li><div align="justify">Calmant S. et Bonneville A., <strong>Cartographie des fonds océaniques</strong>, P. Larouche (ed.), La télédétection appliquée à l'étude du milieu marin, Gordon&Breach. sous presse.</div></li><li><div align="justify">Payri C.E. (sous presse)- <strong>Production primaire et calcification des algues benthiques en milieu corallien</strong>. Océanis<br /> Wookey J., Kendall M. and Barruol G., <strong>Evidence of mid-mantle deformation from seismic anisotropy</strong>, Nature, In press, 2002</div></li><li><div align="justify"><strong>Failure time and critical behaviour of fracture precursors in heterogeneous materials </strong>: A. Guarino, S. Ciliberto, A. Garcimartín, M. Zei and R. Scorretti. European Physical Journal B 26, 141-151 (2002)</div></li><li><div align="justify">Wookey, J., Kendall, M. and Barruol, G., <strong>Mid-mantle deformation inferred from seismic anisotropy</strong>, Nature, 415, 777-780, 2002.</div></li><li><div align="justify"> Barruol G. and M. Granet, <strong>A Tertiary asthenospheric flow beneath the southern French Massif Central related to the west Mediterranean extension evidenced by upper mantle seismic anisotropy</strong>, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 202, 31-47, 2002.</div></li><li><div align="justify"> Barruol G., D. Bosch, V. Clouard, E. Debayle, M. P. Doin, F. Fontaine, M. Godard, F. Masson, D. Reymond, A. Tommasi and C. Thoraval, <strong>PLUME investigates the South Pacific Superswell</strong>, Eos, 83, 511-514, 2002. </div><p>&nbsp;</p></li></ol> Publications 2001 2008-03-15T01:35:49Z 2008-03-15T01:35:49Z Administrator [email protected] <div align="justify">18 publications:<ol><li>Adjeroud , M., S. Andrefouët , C. Payri, <strong>Mass mortality of macrobenthic communities in the lagoon of Hikueru atoll (French Polynesia)</strong>, Coral Reefs, 19, 3, 287-291, 2001.</li><li>Andrefouët, S. , C. Payri, <strong>Scaling-up carbon and carbonate metabolism of coral reefs using in-situ data and remote sensing</strong>, 19, 3, 259-269, 2001.</li><li>Bourreau S. & Gannier A., 2001. <strong>First results on the distribution of wintering Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in French Polynesia 1997-2000</strong>. 15th Conference of the European Cetacean Society (Roma, 6-10 May): in print.</li><li>Calmant S. et A. Bonneville, <strong>Cartographie des fonds océaniques</strong>, in: La télédétection appliquée à l'étude du milieu marin, édité par P. Larouche, Gordon & Breach, Paris (sous presse) </li><li>Clouard V., A. Bonneville and P.Y. Gillot, <strong>A giant landslide on the southern flank of Tahiti island</strong>, French Polynesia, Geophys. Res. Letts, 28, 11, 2253-2256, 2001. </li><li>Clouard V. and A. Bonneville,<strong> How many Pacific Hotspots are fed by deep mantle plumes?</strong>, Geology, 29, 8, 695-698, 2001.</li><li>Laran S. and Gannier A., - <strong>Distribution of Cetaceans in the Marquesas Islands (French Polynesia)</strong>. 15th Conference of the European Cetacean Society (Roma, 6-10 May): in print.</li><li>Mao che, L., Golubic, S., Le Campion-Alsumard, T and Payri C.E.- <strong>Developmental aspects of the biomineralisation in the Polynesian pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera var</strong>. cumingii. Oceanologica acta, 24 : S37-S49, 2001.</li><li>Mao Che, L., Andréfouët, S., Bothorel, V., Guezennec, M., Rougeaux, H., Guezennec, J., Deslandes, E., J. Trichet, J., Matheron, R., Le Campion, T., Payri, C.E. and P. Caumette, P. <strong>Physical, chemical and microbiological characteristics of microbial mats (KOPARA) in the South Pacific atolls of French Polynesia.</strong> Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 47, 994-1012.</li><li>Payri C.E, Maritorena S., Bizeau C., Rodière M.- <strong>Photoacclimation in the tropical coralliine algae Hydrolithon onkodes (Rhodphyta, Corallinaceae from a French Polynesian reef.</strong> J. of Phycol, 37 :1-12, 2001</li><li>Payri C.E. and Stiger V. <strong>Macroalgal community changes on French Polynesian Reefs, 1980-2000.</strong> 7thIPC, Phycologia 40(4), 361, 2001</li><li>Rougeaux, H., Guezennec, M., Mao Che, L., Payri, C.E., Deslandes, E., and Guezennec, J- <strong>Microbial communities and exopolysaccharides from polynesian mats.</strong> Mar. Biotechnol., 3: 181-187.</li><li>Tribollet, A. and Payri, C.E.. <strong>Bioerosion of the crustose coralline alga Hydrolithon onkodes by microborers in the coral reefs of Moorea, French Polynesia</strong>. Oceanologica Acta, 24 (4): 329-342</li><li><strong>Disorder enhanches the effects of thermal noise in the fiber bundle model</strong> : R. Scorretti, S. Ciliberto and A. Guarino. Europhys. Lett., 55 (5), pp.626-632 (2001)</li><li><strong>The effect of disorder on the fracture nucleation process:</strong> S. Ciliberto, A.Guarino, and R. Scorretti. Physica D 158 (2001) 83-104</li><li>Barruol, G., and W. Ben Ismail, <strong>Upper mantle anisotropy beneath the african IRIS and Geoscope stations</strong>, Geophys. J. Int., 146, 540-561, 2001. </li><li>Bascou, J., Barruol, G., Vauchez, A., Mainprice, D. and Egydio-Silva, M., <strong>EBSD-measured lattice preferred orientations and seismic properties of eclogites</strong>, Tectonophysics, 342, 61-80, 2001. </li><li>Ben Ismail, W., Barruol, G. and D. Mainprice, <strong>The Kaapvaal craton seismic anisotropy: A petrophysic analysis of upper mantle kimberlite nodules</strong>, Geophys. res. Lett. 28, 2497-2500, 2001. </li></ol></div> <div align="justify">18 publications:<ol><li>Adjeroud , M., S. Andrefouët , C. Payri, <strong>Mass mortality of macrobenthic communities in the lagoon of Hikueru atoll (French Polynesia)</strong>, Coral Reefs, 19, 3, 287-291, 2001.</li><li>Andrefouët, S. , C. Payri, <strong>Scaling-up carbon and carbonate metabolism of coral reefs using in-situ data and remote sensing</strong>, 19, 3, 259-269, 2001.</li><li>Bourreau S. & Gannier A., 2001. <strong>First results on the distribution of wintering Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in French Polynesia 1997-2000</strong>. 15th Conference of the European Cetacean Society (Roma, 6-10 May): in print.</li><li>Calmant S. et A. Bonneville, <strong>Cartographie des fonds océaniques</strong>, in: La télédétection appliquée à l'étude du milieu marin, édité par P. Larouche, Gordon & Breach, Paris (sous presse) </li><li>Clouard V., A. Bonneville and P.Y. Gillot, <strong>A giant landslide on the southern flank of Tahiti island</strong>, French Polynesia, Geophys. Res. Letts, 28, 11, 2253-2256, 2001. </li><li>Clouard V. and A. Bonneville,<strong> How many Pacific Hotspots are fed by deep mantle plumes?</strong>, Geology, 29, 8, 695-698, 2001.</li><li>Laran S. and Gannier A., - <strong>Distribution of Cetaceans in the Marquesas Islands (French Polynesia)</strong>. 15th Conference of the European Cetacean Society (Roma, 6-10 May): in print.</li><li>Mao che, L., Golubic, S., Le Campion-Alsumard, T and Payri C.E.- <strong>Developmental aspects of the biomineralisation in the Polynesian pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera var</strong>. cumingii. Oceanologica acta, 24 : S37-S49, 2001.</li><li>Mao Che, L., Andréfouët, S., Bothorel, V., Guezennec, M., Rougeaux, H., Guezennec, J., Deslandes, E., J. Trichet, J., Matheron, R., Le Campion, T., Payri, C.E. and P. Caumette, P. <strong>Physical, chemical and microbiological characteristics of microbial mats (KOPARA) in the South Pacific atolls of French Polynesia.</strong> Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 47, 994-1012.</li><li>Payri C.E, Maritorena S., Bizeau C., Rodière M.- <strong>Photoacclimation in the tropical coralliine algae Hydrolithon onkodes (Rhodphyta, Corallinaceae from a French Polynesian reef.</strong> J. of Phycol, 37 :1-12, 2001</li><li>Payri C.E. and Stiger V. <strong>Macroalgal community changes on French Polynesian Reefs, 1980-2000.</strong> 7thIPC, Phycologia 40(4), 361, 2001</li><li>Rougeaux, H., Guezennec, M., Mao Che, L., Payri, C.E., Deslandes, E., and Guezennec, J- <strong>Microbial communities and exopolysaccharides from polynesian mats.</strong> Mar. Biotechnol., 3: 181-187.</li><li>Tribollet, A. and Payri, C.E.. <strong>Bioerosion of the crustose coralline alga Hydrolithon onkodes by microborers in the coral reefs of Moorea, French Polynesia</strong>. 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